School administrators access to 2017 courses

We’re changing how school administrators access their Blackboard courses.

Instead of creating a shared account for each department (or group within a department) to last them one academic year, which is then shared by multiple colleagues, we will now add permissions to your individual accounts to give you access to the courses you need.

Why are we doing this?

Prior to this year, we’ve been unable to do this – hence the use of shared accounts.

We now licence the Community Engagement components of Blackboard Learn.  These give us the ability to (amongst other things) add a hierarchy to Blackboard, meaning we can associate courses with a particular school or department, and give people admin rights to those areas.

What’s changed?

Log into Blackboard using your staff username and password, and use the System Admin tab to search for, and enrol yourself onto, your school’s Blackboard courses.


School administrators

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